Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes … At the end of the day, nobody likes them. Sometimes, though, they’re just necessary. Sometimes we have to […]
Technical subjects can be difficult to explain to the average person. What makes it harder is the fact that you […]
It’s never easy managing any kind of team, but when that team is literally spread across the globe, it can […]
As tech engineers and other professionals, it’s clear that nobody understands the products you develop or the concepts with which […]
Web hosting is a more competitive business than it used to be. As client demand increases, so does the need […]
Whether you clicked through to read an article of this title because you think this might be a problem or […]
One of the biggest challenges tech companies face is how to present a new product to the ideal customer or […]
I’m guessing that if you’re finding this particular post as the result of a Google search, you probably work in […]
Tech companies sometimes have a hard time keeping their customers’ attention. I mean, let’s face it, most people don’t think […]
First off, thank you for stopping work long enough to even read this piece. One thing about tech companies I’ve […]