Starting a Micro-investment Marketing Community

I don’t know how many gyms have used this phrase in their advertising, but just because it isn’t original doesn’t make it irrelevant: Summer bodies are built in winter. Before COVID, this was a much less complicated concept. Lots of people join gyms during winter than at any other time, particularly right after the holidays.

You would be surprised how easy it is to build a marketing empire around teaching and training other marketers (if this isn’t something you’ve thought of or tried already). If you’ve thought of it, you probably found this article looking for advice on how to do it right. We’ve got you covered in that arena.

If this is something you’ve tried before and failed, I hope that I can accomplish two things for you today:

  • Give you some good advice on how to start on the right foot.
  • Instill in you the importance of having the right partners as part of your content creation strategy.

See that? I admit it: I’m here to market to the marketers, and, yes, it works!

Micro-investment is a growing niche with loads of potential and an ever-changing market conducive to long-term brand stability. It also typically has a younger demographic, but boomers, busters, and Gen-Xers are all eager to find new ways to grow their nest eggs little by little as well. You’ll figure out who your most engaged segments are and when you do, it’s time to start zeroing in on them with your micro-investment content.

There are several things to consider when building any marketing community from the ground up. Obviously, you need to know and understand your niche, but there is more to it than that. You need the right approach and the right tools to get the job done. With that in mind, I want to give you some advice that covers both of those bases and sets you up for success.

Assemble the Basics

I go over this in other posts, but if this is your first time perusing the BeezContent blog, let me just establish the framework for you.

First, you need a domain and website. That means your own domain and website. You won’t be able to slide by signing up for WordPress or something similar. Establish your brand and keep your branding at the forefront. That includes your website, email address, and any branded content you choose to share (via email, social media, and more).

Next, you will need a healthy selection of blog content at launch. Come up with five key principles that you want to stress as part of your micro-investment community and write one detailed post (long-form is better: 1500 words and up) for each. Be sure, however, to leave room for more commentary on the subjects you choose. Don’t fire off all of your best advice prior to launch. Leave room for expansion and further conversation.

Finally, now that you have content to share, establish yourself on social media. Link out to blog content and consider adding squeeze pages to your blog posts to capture email addresses. Over time, you can start incentivizing opt-ins with low-cost, high-perceived value prizes like online course access or other digital assets to which your audience would respond favorably.

Start Building Your Following

Stay active and visible on social media. Update regularly. Make use of content that communicates scarcity, like Facebook stories and Snapchat. Content with a shelf-life that expires quickly drives up curiosity and communicates urgency. Also, make use of the emails you’re capturing and keep your brand in front of people that way, too. Email is an effective bridge to all kinds of other relevant content, and it is still the best communication medium for keeping your audience informed and engaged, so don’t neglect it.

More importantly, pay attention to what sparks interest in your followers. Monitor engagement on all your content: your emails, social media posts, blog posts, and other platforms. Get a feel for the types of content your target audience responds to and churn out more of it. This is a good way to start identifying the right people and keep their attention.

Lastly, do something revolutionary and ask your audience what types of subjects, concepts, and strategies they want to learn more about. Once you establish that level of trust, it becomes easier to give your fellow marketers what they want without all the number-crunching and static analysis.

Host Live Events (Email, SMS, Messenger for Reminders)

This is where things start getting real… literally! While it is possible and necessary to build up excitement and expectancy in your written content, it is equally necessary to back up those words with observable action. Live events are a great way to keep levels of enthusiasm high and present your audience with even more reasons to trust you. If your live energy lines up with the energy in your content, you will develop higher levels of loyalty in your followers.

Aggressively promote your live events with high-energy written content. I recommend using as many tools as you can for this, including email, SMS, and Messenger. Email blasts (three to five message sequences) are a great way to promote and communicate scarcity. “Only 20 slots left – should we reserve one for you?” Messaging like that will fill more slots and increase attendance.

Texting is also a very effective way to promote live events since they serve as real-time reminders that also help increase attendance. If you’re lucky enough to capture phone numbers along with emails (and you can use the same squeeze pages to acquire both), always opt for SMS. For many more, Messenger is a great alternative for real-time updates. Use texting liberally and also use it as an opportunity to link out to other content like blog posts and social media posts of particular interest.

Adjust Focus As Needed

Over time, you will learn what your audience wants and what it doesn’t. Don’t let ego get in the way of success. You might think that one topic or subject area is important, but those same subjects might not be what your audience wants right now. Let the market have its say. This could be an opportunity for you to learn a bit from other marketers and increase your own success in growing your micro-investment services or content offerings.

The Right Content Partner

As I hinted at above, doing all the content creation work around a project like this can be a bit cumbersome. That is why I strongly recommend working with a copywriting company like BeezContent that knows finance marketing copywriting and works with a solid team of in-house and freelance writers to get the job done quickly and expertly as needed. We are that kind of company, and we look forward to helping you plan and execute an investment marketing content strategy that works well for you. So contact us today to learn more.