Developing Blog Content for Gamers

I don’t know how many gyms have used this phrase in their advertising, but just because it isn’t original doesn’t make it irrelevant: Summer bodies are built in winter. Before COVID, this was a much less complicated concept. Lots of people join gyms during winter than at any other time, particularly right after the holidays.

Console games … PC games … MMO games… mobile games … the possibilities are endless. If you’re looking for a new content marketing niche, gaming is a great — and popular — one. Now, I know what you’re thinking: If it’s already a popular niche, how am I supposed to make money with it?

Well, I said that it’s popular. I never said that the competition is too difficult to make your mark. There’s a huge difference between quality and quantity in any content area, so it’s not about recreating or copying what’s already out there. It’s about producing better content that communicates a superior understanding of the subject and the ability to stay ahead of industry news.

If you’re good at doing research and you know the difference between news and rumors, chances are you have a shot at building an audience that sticks with you long term. Today, I will give your brain a jog and talk about some of the top content areas in gaming that you should be tapping in your blog. I also want to offer some good advice as a long-time tech marketing content development services provider. If you want to have fun blogging and make it profitable, keep reading. By the time we’re done, I think you’ll be excited to get started.

There are many content areas that build audiences quickly, and I think that these are simultaneously some of the easiest and most fun to cover. If your blog communicates a passion for the subject and contains high-quality content, you’ll have one of the key tools for successful video game content marketing locked down. Let’s dive right in …

Game Development and News

The key benefit to these content areas is curation. You’re likely to draw heavily and directly from authoritative sources, which equates a good half or more of the work already being done for you. However, the other half needs to be done right. Your original commentary also needs to be authoritative and engaging.

Development details should come directly from the source(s). Never curate nonverified sources, and don’t rely on rumors. When I’m on the reader side and see an amazing headline or ad about an upcoming game only to click through and read rumors, it doesn’t endear me to the brand. Also, the more you center your content on clickbait, the more your bounce rates will suffer.

The idea is to get people to visit your blog and stay there. People don’t hang out on a site long when they figure out that they’ve been duped into opening an article loaded with speculation and unlikely rumors. They also don’t click to read other posts when they decide they can’t trust you. This also tanks your SEO efforts.

Game Reviews

Here’s one area where your own experience and enthusiasm can pay off well. I recommend researching some of the better-performing blogs out there and take note of how they format and present the content to learn how to do this right. Reviews can be engaging, or they can be a complete bore to read. If you’re new at this, observe how the experts do it and incorporate elements of their format and direction into your own blog.

However, don’t fall into the trap of rewriting content. When writing reviews, it’s crucial that your readers get your perspective. They’re visiting your blog to hear what you think, not what you’ve read. That’s another good point: Do you like video games? Do you play video games? If not, this may not be the best direction for your blog. Firsthand experience elevates the authority of your messaging, so either know your game or work with a writer who does.

Detailed Walkthroughs

We now return to the realm of curation. That is, unless you actually have the hundreds of hours necessary to complete every game and compile walkthroughs. This is another instance where your own experience is an important element.

Along that line, walkthroughs and reviews often go well together. If you find yourself struggling with details when writing reviews, writing commentary on various details, like the game levels, controls, and gameplay, can help create the right vibe. It can also help people make decisions about investing in specific titles.

E-Sports Content

E-sports is a huge niche in gaming. Any and all of the above ideas will work well here, but the personal experience angle is still very important. Again, if you’re not a sports gamer, you should probably collaborate with writers who are, or, as an alternative, spend some time on social media pages where the “real fans” congregate. Hint: Reddit is a good source for gathering details and intel on sports gaming (and other gaming niches, too).

Read and engage in conversations. Get good feedback from e-sports game players and take notes. I’ll also say it again — your commentary will be far more effective if you’re already a fan. If you’re more of an action gamer and don’t play that many sports games, don’t try to fake it. The fans will know. Be an educated blogger either by way of experience or through responsible, multiple vetted source-based research.

Console and Gaming PC Reviews

Are you more of a tech geek? Do you know how to talk up PC components and related them to gaming? If so, you could easily turn your hardware obsession into a content goldmine. However, keep in mind that it isn’t enough to tell readers what kind of hardware you like. Your content needs to answer the question, “Why?” Why one graphics card over another? Why choose that Bluetooth controller?

Keep in mind that features and benefits don’t get much … play (pardon the pun) in any niche these days. The emotional element has to be there. Be specific about the whys, and be enthusiastic about the components and systems you like. Stuff you don’t like is also fair game, by the way. Controversial content can also be a big draw. Just don’t let your blog descend into a place where all you’re doing is trash-talking. You also might want to consider splitting the difference and developing content that compares systems and accessories in a way that leaves room for both pros and cons.

Now, I talked quite a bit in this piece about writing from experience or working with writers who have enough to make your content read as credible. If you’re stuck on both, contact us. At BeezContent, we work with a vastly talented team of in-house and freelance writers who can deliver gaming content with authority. Let’s talk about your ideas and get down to developing some killer content for your blog.