Copywriting for Tech Companies Can Boost B2B Sales

Based on experience, I can tell you that tech businesses still don’t know how to communicate their services to their target market. It’s the reason why technical copywriting has become so popular today. But what is it, and how does copywriting for tech companies boost B2B sales? Let me give you a sneak peek.
I don’t know how many gyms have used this phrase in their advertising, but just because it isn’t original doesn’t make it irrelevant: Summer bodies are built in winter. Before COVID, this was a much less complicated concept. Lots of people join gyms during winter than at any other time, particularly right after the holidays.

What Is Technical Copywriting?

In the technical space, it’s important to balance the tonality of your content whilst maintaining a brand personality.

Copywriting for tech companies is all about problem-solving. It focuses on clear communication and listening to your client’s needs.

Now imagine working with a certified technical writer – one who understands and speaks the lingo necessary to close a sale.

This specialist copywriter will help connect your tech company with your target market and possible business partners.

Plus, if you have a tech copywriter taking care of digital communications, you’ll have more time to focus on more critical tasks.

I can tell you that B2B tech companies benefit in many ways from copywriting.

Here’s how.

Understand the Needs of Prospects

As an entrepreneur, I often talk more about my service. And 90% of tech entrepreneurs follow the same pattern.

But here’s the downfall.

When we don’t address what the prospect cares about in our content, there’s a chance of losing a potential client.

I’ve realized it’s critical to curate your content based on the customer’s search intent. This means understanding their pain points, challenges, and needs.

Whether it’s a blog post or an email, copywriting for tech companies, when done right, can boost sales.

As an expert in copywriting, I prefer using a conversational tone.

My primary goal is to create an engaging interface — not boasting about your features, though.

Nobody’s going to listen.

So instead of saying, “X Company has an exciting new feature,” I’d communicate this in an effective manner, like, “Save time and effort with this exciting new feature.”

Notice the difference in sentence structure?

Improve Visibility on SERPs

I can tell you that a good SEO strategy is not just meant for long-form content. It plays a key role in copywriting for tech companies.

Need I remind you that Google favors relevance above all?

So, to ensure your web pages show up on Google SERPs, your tech writer has to develop blog topics around trending keywords.

A technical writer will apply the same SEO basics to your content. This doesn’t just mean optimizing the text with popular keywords.

It means dumbing down the technical content for just about anyone.

I would advise against complex vocabulary unless you want to confuse your clients in the tech world and suffer a significant loss.

Focus more on what your base clientele is looking for online and frame your content around those search terms. Most tech copywriters I’ve worked with incorporate search-intent based keywords into a blog or white paper.

That makes it easier for your target audience to find your product or service.

Develop a Loyal Customer Base

I use the oldest method in the book to nail down a prospect.

By speaking to potential clients just through my content. The more consistent I am, the more susceptible my clients become.

Consistently publishing relevant content is a sure way of showing you’re a master of your niche. This helped me build the best B2B partnerships.

It’s one of the best ways to use copywriting to your advantage in the tech space.

Move Clients Through the Sales Pipeline

To win over a client or make a sale, I have to push conversations forward with my clients.

In the tech space, skilled tech copywriters will do just that.

They design the content to ensure it’s actionable, like generating email copies with an effective CTA (call to action) or catchy headlines to draw prospects to a blog.

As a content developer, I’ve experimented with plenty of formatting styles. A skilled copywriter will identify which format performs best for your product, so you can generate more leads or increase sales.

The end goal of copywriting is conversion. For instance, downloading an e-book, getting a trial version, or subscribing to a product/service.

Simplify Content for Your Clients

B2B tech companies struggle to acquire and retain clients when they misunderstand their target audience. I’ve met many who sprout technical jargon.

Remember that consumers look for a seamless experience. Someone who isn’t tech-savvy will lose interest if the content is hard to comprehend. Hiring copywriters with technical expertise will prevent this from happening.

They’re the wordsmiths who can distill complex topics into simplified copies. Such professionals will curate readable copies ideal for any kind of customer in your niche.

Take the SAAS industry, for example.

Say you’re selling an AI-based product to a potential business prospect (like a webmaster/SEO marketer). You’ll be able to close a sale faster with tech copies that are easy to digest.

And when bite-sized content is made from a user perspective, it becomes easier to connect to and engage a prospect.

You have to give your clients quick solutions in a B2B market. This is the only way to stay one step ahead of your competition.

Generate Various Types of Content

In my experience, I’ve curated so much content for my clients. This practice won’t change. Every writer has to create an appropriate amount of content.

It’s the law of the SEO jungle.

Tech writers can create different types of content using various copywriting techniques. Think of how-to guides, newsletters, and other marketing collaterals.

Generating different kinds of content also pushes leads through the sales pipeline, helping you boost conversion and click-through rates.

Here’s a quick tip from my end. I suggest whipping up catchy headlines and incorporating storytelling in your narratives to quicken the pace. This will pique the interest of your target audience, prompting them to take action.

We Offer Copywriting for Tech Companies

Whether you’re selling software as a service or high-tech products, copywriting is the butter to your dough (the one you want to bring home).

But crafting compelling copies around a high-tech service or product is not everyone’s ball game, certainly when you don’t have the time.

Can you pitch a brand story without boring the audience? Partner with a copywriting company that has technical expertise.

At BeezContent, we understand what makes great narratives!

Our copywriting services focus on deep research, excellent writing skills, and creating authoritative content around your niche. With our custom-based copywriting services for tech companies, we bring value to B2B partnerships.

Do you need help creating a technical blog post, white paper, or case study? We can help you break down technical jargon into quality content for better conversion.

Contact us today.