Blogging for Fall Foliage

Just when you thought it was safe to kick your travel blog into high gear, now we get to deal with the dreaded delta variant. Mask mandates are returning, social distancing is making a comeback, and that leaves travel marketers wondering... where do we go from here?
I don’t know how many gyms have used this phrase in their advertising, but just because it isn’t original doesn’t make it irrelevant: Summer bodies are built in winter. Before COVID, this was a much less complicated concept. Lots of people join gyms during winter than at any other time, particularly right after the holidays.

With fall upon us, leaf-peeping is one of the best options for COVID-conscious travelers. It has the distinction of having many, many options for great destinations with great views. Better still, many of those destinations offer enough seclusion for even the most cautious travelers to enjoy.

While it can be a challenge delivering this kind of content right now, some themes still draw in readers even if they have no intention of traveling. Fall foliage is a perennial winner, especially if you have good visuals and can deliver a good virtual travel experience with your words. That, right there, is a crucial element to travel blogging success, and in a little bit, I’m going to show you how you can help increase your odds of success blogging for fall travel.

In order to secure the right readers and get them to follow through on your calls to action, there are a few things you should be considering. Keep in mind that this advice is sound in virtually all your blogging efforts, but the following strategies are particularly relevant now. How many of these things have you already thought of, and how many are you currently integrating into your fall travel blogging strategy?

Determine Your Niche (Or Split Test a Few)

Are you targeting actual travelers or virtual travelers? Does your ideal reader prefer luxury travel or more rustic fall foliage experiences? If you haven’t figured out the answers to these questions yet, this is the perfect time to do some split testing.

Once you determine what niche or niches appeal most to your audience, you can plan future content around what you learn. That will increase your readership, up your conversions, and bolster your rankings over time.

If you’re a travel agent, be sure to include a call to action to contact you and promise your readers a unique, fun, and safe travel experience. If you are a travel content marketing professional, seed your blog content with CTAs that align with your conversion goals.

Research the Destinations You Feature

It is vitally important that your information be accurate, especially if you are an agent looking to make bookings for the current season. In content marketing terms, accuracy builds credibility and trust. So what kinds of details are particularly important right now?

First and foremost, you need to know how COVID-19 continues to affect the destinations you suggest. Even as a content marketer, there is the distinct probability that people will take your advice and road trip their way to either a great fall getaway or a major disappointment.

Know all the local COVID-19 mandates, policies, and restrictions in the places that make it into your blog. You can’t research every business, but resources like the local chamber of commerce and parks and recreation websites typically feature COVID-19 information prominently.

If you wish to target local businesses and tourist destinations, check their websites first but don’t hesitate to contact them directly to find out how they are managing things during the current phase of the pandemic. In some areas, it’s left to individual businesses to determine best practices.

Don’t Cover the Same Destinations You Did Last Year

We were in the thick of the worst of COVID-19 last year at this time, and there’s a real temptation to just defer to what you already know. The problem is that even fresh content on the same destinations will look repetitive. Even if you spotlight all new activities, your content will still feel stale. Do not cut corners. Do your homework and give your readers some new ideas to consider, or just give them a fresh virtual tour of some pretty places. Plenty of people are still opting for that.

Think Social Distancing

Secluded destinations and places that are a reasonable distance from major tourist areas continue to be a big draw in all travel markets. Like I mentioned in the beginning, fall foliage is an activity that caters to off-the-beaten-path exploration. You should definitely be capitalizing on this.

I’ll also make the suggestion that you ease up on the COVID-related language in your writing at this point. A lot of us thought that we were in the clear, and then things took yet another turn. People are aware of what’s going on in the world. You can offer them safe, sound advice without getting into specifics. People are as tired of hearing about COVID as they are dealing with it. Just present your content in a responsible way and make social-distanced vacations look appealing without dragging COVID into the spotlight.

Getting the Results You Need

Providing great content and delivering it consistently are two things that many marketers and business owners find to be a big challenge. Far too often, marketers choose one over the other. They either churn out a lot of content that varies in quality, or they spend loads of time on a single piece but only publish once in a while.

Striking that balance between consistency and quality is where a professional copywriting company comes in. When you partner with BeezContent, you have the means of delivering top-quality work and staying in front of your audience with a level of consistency that much of your competition simply does not. We welcome the opportunity to chat with you about your fall travel blogging needs and develop a content strategy that yields the results you need. Contact us today to learn more.