I know what you’re thinking already: “Who would want to read a blog on a bank’s website?”
Believe it or not, I have a very simple, straightforward answer for you: more people than you think. Banking and finance blogs are every bit as popular as any other niche and, yes, there is an audience for them. The question isn’t whether they’re needed, but rather what direction you should go with yours.
Since this post is about “why” and not “what,” we will save the conversation about the content itself for another day. I’m speaking today to execs and marketing managers who might be struggling with the “whys” of blogging. There are so many reasons that you should be keeping a blog regardless of your industry, I could never name them all in one post. That being the case, let’s look at what we at BeezContent consider to be the top 3.
#1: Your Bank Needs a Unique Voice
I’m going to assume for a moment that your bank deals with all levels of clientele. You help 13-year-olds open their first savings accounts, and you also work with major corporations funneling money to hundreds of accounts in multiple departments. All businesses have a degree of diversity among their clientele that makes it necessary to know how to interact with a variety of people and meet a variety of needs.
Keeping a blog on a broad range of financial subjects shows that you understand your clients and their diverse needs. You communicate that understanding by delivering good financial industry content in a way that the key segments of your client base can understand.
If the majority of your clients are working-class people just trying to keep a few dollars in their savings accounts, keeping a blog that speaks directly to them is a must. Populate your blog with (among other things) advice on how to keep their money in the bank and grow a secure nest egg. Doing that will help you build trust and establish your bank as one that cares about its clients’ prosperity. Market what you post and suddenly you have a voice that is likely to speak much louder than many of your local competitors.
#2: Your Bank Needs Visibility
Branded content can help people who don’t know about your bank or the unique services it offers find you. Blog content is the backbone of many solid SEO strategies. Through the use of relevant keywords (especially long-tail keywords) and backlinks from sources like social media, you can help new clients find you and establish contact.
Here is where I plug our services because it is so crucial to get this right. Most companies don’t understand all the ins and outs of SEO or they simply don’t have the time to produce content that is truly optimized. When you work with a professional content marketing agency like Beez that employs writers with appropriate backgrounds to write your copy, the end result is always superior to what you’ll get trying to go it alone. Ask yourself: Is it worth the nominal amount of money it costs to work with a professional financial content marketing team if the end result is more clients and bigger accounts? I think we both know the answer to that question…
#3: Your Bank Needs to Grow Its Reputation
As I mentioned earlier, social media is a key avenue for content marketing. It is also the way most people interact with the brands they like. Most companies, both large and small, now have an established presence on social media, and your bank should, too. If it doesn’t, it’s time to get busy with that.
So, why are we talking about social media if the point is to convince you to keep a blog? Well, that’s simple, too: You need content to engage a social media audience. When you scroll through most social media feeds, what is the most prevalent kind of content you see promoted by virtually every industry and niche? The answer is blog content.
If you commit to delivering a consistent stream of great-quality blog content, you will also position your bank as an authority on whatever subject area(s) you choose to focus on with your blog. The better the content, the more it will get shared. The more it’s shared, the bigger your audience becomes and the further your reach gets.
You want people looking to your bank for answers to the questions they have about their finances and keeping their money safe. Once it’s in their heads that your blog is a good place to find that information, you will start seeing more organic traffic to your blog. When that happens, your SEO rankings skyrocket. It goes without saying, but businesses with lesser reputations don’t see the front pages of SERPs. If your bank can pull that off, it proves its worth and the value of the services it provides.
Thinking Long-Term
The three reasons I listed above are just a small representation of the types of things about which you should be concerned when it comes to how your business is both perceived and received online. The way you manage your content – all of your content – right now will have a direct result on how your bank is perceived in the future.
Regardless of how well-established your bank may be, if you leave it in the dark ages in terms of how you approach an online audience, your success will diminish over time. We are living in a world that is driven by a desire to not only do business with companies and brands but also connect with them in a meaningful way.
And now for my parting thought on this subject:
The key to any successful relationship is communication. Your blog is the most effective communication tool you have, so use it wisely. Many of your competitors are underusing or flat-out misusing this tool. Armed with the knowledge of how a good blog can benefit you, your next move should be to act on the advice we’ve offered you today. If you need help getting started or maintaining consistency, reach out to us and let us help you build a blogging strategy that will set you up for success, both present and future.