Using Outreach Emails to Engage Influencers in Your Niche

I don’t know how many gyms have used this phrase in their advertising, but just because it isn’t original doesn’t make it irrelevant: Summer bodies are built in winter. Before COVID, this was a much less complicated concept. Lots of people join gyms during winter than at any other time, particularly right after the holidays.

To the best of my knowledge, I haven’t tackled this topic before in the blog, and I think it’s high time I did. Outreach emails are one very underdiscussed and underutilized marketing strategies. It is also one that can blow the doors off future campaigns if used correctly.

Now, if you’re not familiar with the concept, I’ll refer you to a couple of reliable sources, so you can bone up. For now, though, here’s a thumbnail sketch:

Outreach emails are highly targeted, usually to a single individual or a small group of people who have already established themselves as thought leaders and influencers. In other words, we’re talking about people who have already established good reputations with their audiences and can elevate your brand by simply mentioning it to their followers (not even endorsing, just mentioning).

Here are a few good resources on how it works:

What Is Email Outreach? — Quora

A Simple Guide to Successful Email Outreach — HubSpot

What Is an Email Outreach Program —

Now, I’m going to address my audience directly, so those reading this piece understand how BeezContent approaches outreach email marketing. There is a fine line between reaching out to an influencer and being a pest. Keep in mind that the likelihood of the target influencer ever reading an email from you is very small. Most, however, have VPAs or other staffers whose sole job is to sift through the literal thousands of emails they get weekly (or even daily) and decide which ones are worth opening. That brings me to my first point …

Get the Influencer’s Attention

It is way easier to decide to delete a message than it is to decide to open one. That means that your messaging needs to be persuasive and authoritative beginning with your subject line. With that in mind, here are a few things to remember when reaching out to an influencer:

Keep Subject Lines SHORT — 50-55 characters max. Shorter is even better.

Make Your Point Clear —  The subject needs to match the content of the body of the email and summarize the main point(s) succinctly

Use Attention-Getting Language — Valid terms will vary by industry, but please be sure to avoid hyperbole, superlatives, and overly expressive adjectives. Never, ever, use all-CAPS.

Use the Name of the Influencer —  The note of familiarity might make them or the person reading their emails pause and at least consider clicking to open.

Convey Urgency — Again, steer clear of extreme language, but do use words like “today” and “now” to communicate time sensitivity.

Use a Call to Action — This one relates closely to the previous tip about urgency but includes verbs that directly ask the reader to do something. Using words like “please” as a precursor to a CTA can also earn you an open.

Be Active and Visible on the Influencer’s Social Channels

Nothing communicates familiarity better than … that’s right: familiarity. If they already know you because you contribute to conversations on social media, that will help increase the likelihood of an open. The trick here is to be not only visible but also a positive presence. Don’t expect any influencer to take you seriously if you’re on their channels arguing and rousing the rabble. There’s a time for a little controversy in marketing; this isn’t it.

Be on Their List(s) Whenever Possible

More to the point, subscribe to their lists and newsletters with the same email address you use in outreach campaigns. This minimizes the probability that your messages go directly to the trash. Influencers tend to want to reciprocate when people interact with their content. That reminds me: Don’t just subscribe to their stuff; read it. It’s about both subscribing and opening emails you get from them.

Be Consistent, Not Desperate

Don’t expect the first message you send to an influencer to be opened, received, or paid any attention whatsoever. This is going to take a little perseverance on your part, but if you do it right, you might just get the response you’re looking for.

So, what is the best interval for sending messages that strikes the right balance? What frequency communicates authority as opposed to desperation? The simple answer is my number 1 top-used mantra: “It depends.” Your job is to figure out how to get this person’s attention. Here are a few suggestions:

Send Emails at the Same Intervals They Do — If you get five emails a week from them, two or three from you might do the trick, but five shouldn’t look desperate if that is how they manage their own marketing. Also take note of when they send and try to uncover patterns. Mimicking their patterns can also have a favorable effect on whether they respond.

Experiment with Send Times — The influencer’s sending patterns can tell you quite a bit about when the person or his or her staff is in front of their phones or computers. Yes, there’s plenty of automating going on here, but it at least gives you a gauge. Nothing is foolproof, but anything you can do to hit that inbox when someone who matters might be watching is a good strategy.

Know When to Quit — If you’ve done everything you can to get an influencer’s attention and it’s just not happening, you’ve done your job. Move on. There are other influencers who might be a bit more personable or attentive to their audiences than this.

Keep Your Messaging Simple

So, you finally got an open. Good for you! Hopefully, you haven’t blown it by hitting the target with a brick of text. Keep messaging short and sweet. Think in terms of an elevator pitch, not a dissertation. This matters in all communications, not just the first one. The temptation will always be to inundate with information that you hope will motivate or excite. Resist the urge. Keep it simple. Don’t waste the target’s time.

At BeezContent, we pride ourselves on being up on all current trends in content marketing and we know how to help you approach the important influencers on your list. If your open rates aren’t improving over time, or you aren’t getting the right levels of engagement on your influencer campaigns, contact us. We work with a wide network of talented writers who are ready and waiting to help make your next outreach email marketing campaign a success.