The Top 5 Content Marketing Trends for 2018

I don’t know how many gyms have used this phrase in their advertising, but just because it isn’t original doesn’t make it irrelevant: Summer bodies are built in winter. Before COVID, this was a much less complicated concept. Lots of people join gyms during winter than at any other time, particularly right after the holidays.

I don’t do many articles like this, mostly because there are so many lists like it with as many forecasts as there are copywriters to pen them.

I used to think this was a bad thing, but I’ve since learned an important lesson about that kind of content, and it’s a simple one: All of these lists are supposed to be different. Why? Because it gives you, the reader, the opportunity to get an idea of the approach various companies and marketing entities take when creating killer content. Knowing the trends we identify as important makes it easier for you to decide to do business with us.

If you’re going to hire a custom writing agency to help further your marketing efforts, you need to know that the people writing your copy are – pardon the pun – on the same page with you. With that in mind, let’s see if any of these things jump out at you. As you read, ask yourself, “How can I implement these strategies to up my own content game?”

The simple fact of the matter is that whether content marketing is the primary focus of your business or you just employ good content to enhance your larger brand message, it’s a valid (and important) question.

So here are my picks, in no particular order:

#1: An Upsurge of Thought Leaders and Influencers

The fight for position among your competitors is going to heat up in 2018. All current trends suggest that companies of all sizes and descriptions are finding and using their best and brightest to spotlight what their brands can do. If that is the case, how can your brand keep up, especially if you don’t have the budget to keep up with the big dogs?

This is a surprisingly simple problem to solve and it boils down to doing one thing that I’ve recommended in the past: be present on social media.

That means that you deliver great content on the regular and that you allow your audience in on your thoughts and ideas. Even better, solicit opinions about them. Get the conversation going. The more you interact, the more you position yourself as an authority.

I’ve also talked in length about interacting on other pages and channels within your industry or within niches that appeal to your ideal avatar. In so doing, you communicate not only that you have a good product or service to sell but that you understand why people need it. This will be a vital approach to take when developing and distributing content in 2018 (and yes, comments and interactions that identify your brand are also content – it’s not just articles and multimedia).

#2: Continued Migration Toward Original, Branded Content

I’ve emphasized the importance of this many times, too, so I’ll keep it brief. Curated content has its place, but current trends indicate that the balance in its effectiveness is shifting and will continue to do so into the following year. We are rapidly moving away from a place where we can simply repost content with our own spin and get away with it in perpetuity.

The more real your brand looks to the outside observer, the easier it will be to compel him or her to come in. Be the brand that makes the user stop scrolling. Present content that gets people’s attention and make it original. If you shift your focus to original content, you can get away with posting some trending content and starting conversations around it. Hook them with your own stuff first, then show them that your brand is relevant by commenting on current trends.

#3: Enhancing the User Experience

This means that site design and the presentation of content are going to be more important than ever, especially for a mobile audience. I’ve done some recent blogs on subjects like formatting and presentation that are worth a look, so I won’t re-hash that advice here. I’ll just send you right to the source. I’ll also advise you to look at a few articles on current SEO trends since SEO relates directly to the user experience.

#4: Developing A Brand Personality Through Content

More companies are starting to approach content creation from the standpoint of how that content frames their brands. Regardless of how small or large your business is, approaching your content creation strategy from this angle is not just a good idea; it’s mandatory.

Keep in mind that every article you publish; every image you post; every video you produce; every piece of curated content you repost; even the colors, fonts, and format of your content reflect directly upon your brand. Your content needs to communicate that your brand has a clearly defined and recognizable message that is woven into every piece of content you deliver. How does the content you deliver identify itself to your audience?

#5: More Personalized, Customer-Focused Content

I think this one really is the culmination of the other four, but it is a multidimensional concept. It begins by delivering content that has mass appeal, but smart marketers will take an active role in audience segmentation in 2018. How can you accomplish that? Here are a few ideas:

• Boost posts and monetize content targeted to niches within your audience.

• Segment your email list(s) to deliver relevant content to every reader.

• Develop multiple blogs in different niches within your industry.

• Follow all relevant market trends and adjust your content strategy accordingly.

Final Takeaway

I’m excited for 2018. It is shaping up to be a busy year for content creators like Beez. If I could offer just one piece of my own advice as you mull over all the info in this article it would be this: Be bold in your content marketing efforts and commit, right now, to putting your best foot forward in your delivery. Be willing to collaborate with excellent content creators and leave room in your budget for quality work. 2018 is your opportunity to make your biggest impression on the market, so commit to making it, starting now.