Marketing Your B2B Real Estate Blog

I don’t know how many gyms have used this phrase in their advertising, but just because it isn’t original doesn’t make it irrelevant: Summer bodies are built in winter. Before COVID, this was a much less complicated concept. Lots of people join gyms during winter than at any other time, particularly right after the holidays.

B2B real estate marketing isn’t that much unlike any other kind of online marketing. All the basic rules apply. The difference comes in how you present your branding. There are different considerations dealing with other industry pros as opposed to consumers. The advice in this article should be found useful if you:

• Deal primarily in real estate content marketing.

• Use blogging as a primary tool for boosting SEO.

• Are struggling to get and keep the attention of the right people.

• Haven’t drawn in enough new business in the last quarter.

• Have no clue how to align your content to get it producing better.

If any or all of the above apply to you, keep reading. We have some great advice that can help jump-start your online real estate marketing via blogging and get the attention of the bigger clients and accounts you’re trying to land.

Start with Some Great Blog Content

The core of any good marketing plan is a killer content strategy. Real estate marketing content creation requires an extra layer of knowledge and expertise. This is why you should be considering two things:

• Who is writing for you.

• How consistently you are putting your brand in front of the right prospects.

The first one is where my opportunity for a shameless plug comes in. Work with professional writers. Work with writers who have real estate copywriting experience walking in. At Beez, we have writing teams made up of in-house staff and competent freelancers who have demonstrated expertise in various content areas. Real estate is one of them.

Properly vet any agency or writer you choose to hire. I can say we can handle the task, but the proof is in what we deliver as proof. I expect — and encourage — looking into a few services and what they offer. Compare how they answer questions. Which ones will let you select your writer(s)? Can they produce samples that show their writers’ levels of competence?

The second part of that is keeping the content flowing and keeping the quality consistently high. The fact is that content creation is one of the first things most businesses put on hold when they need to liberate time for other things. Working with a competent real estate content team eliminates many of those variables. Your writers focus on their work; you run your business.

Get on a Publishing Schedule and Stick to It

This follows on the heels of the last point. Before deciding what content you will need when, develop a publishing schedule that provides at least a rough idea of how you plan to distribute content. The following elements should always be present:

• An email blast announcing new posts.

• The blog content itself.

• Social media posts promoting each new post you publish.

An email blast lets your best prospects know when you post content they will find relevant. Use subject lines that convey ideas relevant to the content of the blog. Opens are not likely if your subject is something like “New blog post now available.” They are if that subject line reads more like this:

“Lease, buy, or build: Which is best for your company’s future?”

I also recommend not simply using the title of the blog post as the subject of the email. You want all of your content to have its own unique voice while maintaining a consistent brand message. Leading with a concept related to the post title in your email makes your content look more cohesive and in agreement across the board.

If the above lease/buy example is your subject line, your blog post title could be something like, “Financing a Future-Proof Business Space.” Each title reinforces the other and solidifies in the mind of the reader that you understand your business as well as the needs of your potential clients.

Follow and Interact with Social Media Influencers

I can’t tell you how important it is that you interact with influencers and thought leaders in whatever area of B2B real estate marketing you operate. Listen and engage, but be careful that the latter doesn’t look like you’re trying to steal thunder (or customers). Engagement on other people’s or company’s accounts should remain friendly, on-topic, and 100 percent sales language-free.

Investigate Local Social Networks

While they might be a dwindling resource, if you operate in an area that has local social networks (many major metropolitan areas and larger suburban communities still operate them), you should have a presence on them. In B2B terms, this can be a good opportunity to network and discover what some of the local needs and wants are in the real estate market. This can help you pitch project ideas or recommend locations for business customers who are looking to expand.

Present blog content on local networks that outlines some of your ideas, and solicit feedback. What kinds of businesses are the people of these communities and cities likely to embrace? What kinds are they likely to resist? If the feedback you get gravitates toward the negative, you might want to steer clients in the direction of more welcoming options.

It Starts with a Plan …

And that good content I mentioned earlier. Make your content delivery look as organized as possible. Organization and consistency are two key content elements that build trust. Don’t neglect them. Contact us at BeezContent today and learn how we help clients just like you reach their target audiences and maximize the returns on money spent on good copywriting services.