Copywriting Is Key: Picking the Lock on Your Company’s Potential

I don’t know how many gyms have used this phrase in their advertising, but just because it isn’t original doesn’t make it irrelevant: Summer bodies are built in winter. Before COVID, this was a much less complicated concept. Lots of people join gyms during winter than at any other time, particularly right after the holidays.

A good copywriting company can mean the difference between good and great, between brand survival and brand renown.

If you’re a business owner, it’s probably because you had a bright idea that you thought would be useful or enjoyable for others. No doubt your business came to be in part because you saw a unique opportunity in the market — white space that you wanted to color on, a blank canvas you knew you could make into something more.

You felt compelled to offer something no one else was, and that no one else can. At least not quite like you do.

But how do you convey that uniqueness? How is it that you communicate to all the consumers out there, who every day are looking for products and services that fill their needs, that you are the one who will rise to the occasion, that you will provide them with what they seek?

Even more than that, how do you make your company stand out in an endlessly connected world where billions of peoples’ attention is being divided by billions of active websites? Giving visibility to your brand isn’t as easy as it used to be. No longer are the “Mad Men” days, when one-off print advertisements or occasional TV spots were enough to suffice. Today, you have to have command of even more media — all that digital terrain people traverse.

Like most business owners, you’re probably interested in the success, and maybe even propagation, of your brand. You want to see a return on your investment — to see something of value emerge from all the time, passion, energy, effort, and resources that you put into building your business.

So how do you get your business to survive and thrive in the midst of all those question marks?

The answer, beyond building a strong visual identity for your brand, is simple: copywriting.

What Is Copywriting?

Copywriting is essentially the creation of content for advertising and marketing. It’s meant to draw people in; to influence their thoughts, feelings, and perceptions; and to persuade them to engage with a brand.

It possesses characteristics of both narrative writing and technical writing — exacting yet creative, structured yet inventive. Copywriters use storytelling to facilitate the delivery of important or meaningful information, giving brands the ability to be expressive. At the core of this process is adopting a specific voice for a company, imbuing the brand with a personality that is recognizable and consistent across different collateral materials.

Copywriting is what communicates your brand across all platform types for all your audience members so that they can get to know you and what you have to offer. It is how you begin to build relationships with consumers.

Why Is Copywriting Important?

Many people overlook the importance of copy in the materials they put out, thinking that attracting people to a company is solely about what products and services are offered, or even that the visual representation of a brand is the most important.

Though both of these things are indeed critical to a brand’s success, you have to remember not to underestimate the importance of communication. Think of copywriting as a conversation … Do you like to carry on conversations that are boring? Go back to the idea that copywriting is what gives a brand personality … Do you like to hang out with people whose personalities aren’t compatible with your own?

To give your brand the ability to converse with others and create a personality that attracts people and holds their interest, you have to know how to communicate effectively and relevantly.

To Create Great Copywriting, Get a Great Copywriting Company

There’s a common phrase you’ve likely heard on many occasions: “Leave it to the experts.” It’s a popular saying for a reason, as the word “expert” implies specialized knowledge or skill as a result of extensive learning or experience.

As with any craft, copywriting has experts who bring training, practice, experience, and aptitude to the table. It is not a skill that is possessed or able to be acquired by all; it is not an art that everyone becomes masterful in.

Just as you know the tricks of the trade when it comes to your own brand, copywriters know them when it comes to communicating a brand. Hiring a copywriting company is a great way to make sure that all the expertise embodied in your brand is expressed in a way that entices consumers.

You may feel hesitation about enlisting the help of a copywriting company, concerned about whether it will misinterpret your brand or take it in a direction you don’t intend. But that’s not what copywriters do.

Copywriters get to know a brand, collaborating with you to make sure that the articulate, inspired messages they create are the ones you want to extend and promote. Attuned to nuance and meaning and adept at wordplay and creative wording, they take the concepts behind your company, synthesize them into potent statements, and make them memorable for people.

It’s important to realize that using a professional copywriter doesn’t mean that you’re surrendering your brand to someone else. It means that you’re building a stronger foundation for your brand, providing it with the resources it needs not just to get by, but to flourish.

If you want to build a better brand — maybe achieve that status of “renown” one day with a definable cultural impact to your name — there is one solution that will undoubtedly help get you there.

Get a great copywriting company.